The Cannes Film Festival, one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world, has welcomed a new face to its red carpet this year - an influencer representing India, Arissa Khan. Amidst the glitz and glamour of the festival, the Indian influencer has made her presence felt, making a bold statement with her stunning Indian outfits and her keen eye for the best films. Her … [Read more...] about Cannes Film Festival Welcomes Arissa Khan Representing India
WearArt: A Clothing Brand of Love and Art
WearArt is a new clothing brand that brings the art of India and the world to the forefront through its unique and eye-catching designs. Based in Canada, WearArt aims to showcase the beauty and diversity of art from around the globe through its clothing and accessories. The brand was founded by a group of two young entrepreneurs, Deepika and Jass Sarang, in January 2023, who … [Read more...] about WearArt: A Clothing Brand of Love and Art
Srinika: The Watch of good Fortune
Renani Jewels achieved the title of ‘Most diamonds set on a watch by the Guinness World Record with 17,524 natural hand-cut diamonds encrusted on it. This is the Second world record made by Renani Jewels. Earlier in 2020, they achieved the world record for “Most Diamonds in a single Ring”. Srinika is not just a watch, It is an emotion as Renani promises, this is and will … [Read more...] about Srinika: The Watch of good Fortune
Miss Teen India announces the winners of Miss Teen India Pageant 2022
Miss Teen India organizers are delighted to announce the winner of the 2022 edition of Miss Teen India. This is the first-ever Pageant to be held online. The contestants self-trained with our training Videos and we were exuberant to see a magnificent performance. Different location shoots were another unique online experience for them added Mr. Amarlal G Nichani the MD - … [Read more...] about Miss Teen India announces the winners of Miss Teen India Pageant 2022
Doree: The Brand That Is Playing An Important Role In Making Indian Ethnic Wear Popular Worldwide
Nikita was already a successful designer when she decided to launch her own fashion brand. Though Nikita had established herself successfully in the Indian fashion industry, she wanted to create a brand that would reflect her sensibilities and sense of aesthetics. This urge to do something of her own led to the birth of Doree in the year 2018. Promoted as a ‘women’s designer … [Read more...] about Doree: The Brand That Is Playing An Important Role In Making Indian Ethnic Wear Popular Worldwide